The warmup challenges are intended to get you familiar with the way Capture the Ether works and the tools you need to use.
- Deploy a contract 50 points
- Call me 100 points
- Choose a nickname 200 points
Feeling lucky? These challenges will show how hard it is to run a fair lottery.
- Guess the number 200 points
- Guess the secret number 300 points
- Guess the random number 300 points
- Guess the new number 400 points
- Predict the future 500 points
- Predict the block hash 750 points
These challenges use a variety of techniques, but they all involve a bit of math.
- Token sale 500 points
- Token whale 500 points
- Retirement fund 500 points
- Mapping 750 points
- Donation 750 points
- Fifty years 2000 points
These challenges test your understanding of Ethereum accounts.
- Fuzzy identity 500 points
- Public Key 750 points
- Account Takeover 1500 points
These challenges defy categorization.
- Assume ownership 300 points
- Token bank 750 points